Real-Time Expression (AR2) How I improvise the concept from assignment 1 into a new conceptual approach #tomb was obviously pre-accessory jamie #or they surely would have found his scarf or his vest instead #but still #why couldnt it be like victoria's purse or something #i know they clearly wanted it to prompt a convo between four and leela about jamie #and i will never turn down rare moments of four showing emotion #but like #how does anyone write that and not go #this sounds ridiculous and a tiny bit slutty #i mean hey maybe nick briggs was like yeah jamie is ridiculous and a tiny bit slutty #but im not joking it is a major plot point #k9 switches the desktop to the old model from 2's era #and there's a piece of jamie's kilt attached to it #and the whole plot hangs off the idea that there were like nano cybermats on the fabric that get reactivated #and - Spoilers: #the plot is resolved by 4 sending k9 into the tombs while 2 and co are there #and disinfecting jamie #how's that for a big finish? #i havent even listened to this audio in ages #but these things just come to me unbidden and beg to be posted #fate of krelos #return to telos #jamie mccrimmon #is the only character tag im gonna torture with this post